Expert Advice For Executive Search Candidates

By Marsha Koelmel

Co-President of Catapult

As experts in Executive Search, we’ve conducted too many searches to count and ushered countless candidates through the challenging search process. Over the years, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to get it right – from resume tips, to preparation, interview advice, and post-interview next steps. Here are our top ten tips for Executive Search candidates:

  1. Maximum three-page resume in chronological order with a cover letter that is specific to the position that you are applying for. Explain why you are uniquely qualified and interested in the position.
  2. Update your LinkedIn page to ensure that it is an accurate reflection of your accomplishments and credentials for the positions that you are applying for or want to be considered for.
  3. Include links on your resume to your LinkedIn page to offer more detail.
  4. Know yourself. Do what you need to do to ensure that you will arrive at the interview relaxed, prepared and ready for a great conversation. Breathe.
  5. Do your homework. Learn everything you can about the organization and position that you are applying for. This will not go unnoticed.
  6. Ask questions. The interview(s) – all of them – are your opportunity to learn about the details that will help you decide if this is the next best fit for you. When they ask you “What questions do you have?” – Have some good ones.
  7. The interview is not a time to be shy. Speak proudly about the contribution that you made to team accomplishments. The interviewer is looking for specifics that differentiate you from other candidates.
  8. Be prepared to discuss compensation early. When asked about compensation requirements, have your answer ready. If you are flexible, say so. If you have a minimum, declare it without apology.
  9. If you left the interview interested in learning more or advancing in the search, say so. An email is a perfectly fine way to say thank you and reiterate your interest in the position.
  10. Remember that you are not just selling, you’re also buying. Ask all of the questions that you need to evaluate the opportunity. Do your homework. Learn as much as you can about the organization and the leadership team to enable you to make a thoughtful decision.
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