Celebrate Women

International Women’s Day celebrates women’s contributions to society, raises awareness about the fight for gender parity, and inspires support for organizations that help women globally. The theme for 2022 is #BreaktheBias, which highlights the importance of challenging biases and misconceptions in the interest of creating a more inclusive and gender-equal world.
On this International Women’s Day, let’s take a moment to celebrate all the ways women can support women.
#1 – Support women’s causes.
Support causes which support women. Our own Siobhan Smith, Co-President of Catapult, sits on the board of the WNY Women’s Foundation which is committed to creating a culture of possibility so each woman can live, grow, and lead to her fullest potential. Other great causes for women and girls include:
- Girls Who Code
- Kiva
- The Malala Fund
- The Sylvia Rivera Law Project
- Invisible Girl Project
- Girls Not Brides USA
- Global Fund for Women
- Girls Write Now
#2 – Support women artists.
Read books and poetry written by women. Watch women-directed films. Support women artists and artisans. Listen to podcasts and music by and about women. Enjoy this sample from one of our favorite writers:
Hear me as a woman
Have me as your sister
On purpled battlefield breaking day,
So I might say our victory is just beginning,
See me as change,
Say I am movement,
That I am the year
And I am the era
Of the women.
From “Won’t You Be My Sister” by Amanda Gorman
#3 – Support women-owned businesses.
Businesses owned by women (like ours!) need your support now more than ever. Buy from women-owned businesses, write a supportive review, or give them a shout out on social media.
#4 – Honor a woman who inspires you.
Buy a cup of coffee for a friend. Take your mom to dinner. Buy flowers for your sister. Write a heartfelt thank you note to a co-worker. Have a girls night out. Take a moment to tell a woman who inspires you just how much you value her.
#5 – Support women at work.
Women have an important role to play in helping their female colleagues succeed. Looking out for and advocating for each other can create a force for good that’s hard to stop.
Learn how to give women a fair shot professionally >
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