Making Informed Hiring Decisions In A Virtual World

By Marsha Koelmel

Co-President of Catapult

The pandemic changed the world — and the business world — considerably. Organizations were forced to make hard decisions to shutter doors and put good employees on leave.

While countless individuals took new jobs while laid off, a curious phenomenon has occurred. A lot of the people who left have come back. Analysts call them “boomerang employees.” According to Workplace Trends, 15% of employees have returned to a former employer and 40% of employees say they would consider going back to a company where they had previously worked.

Why are so many individuals leaving an organization for something new and then returning? In many cases, it’s because too much of the job recruitment process is being conducted virtually. Too often, new hires aren’t even meeting the people they’ll be working with in person until they start. That’s quite a leap of faith. It could be a dream scenario…or decidedly less so.

To avoid this, be sure you’re seeking to meet with new hires in person whenever possible. Virtual communication is good to a point, but there’s nothing like old-fashioned, face-to-face.

Perhaps you are being wooed by a new organization right now. If you’re thinking about making a change, what do you need to make sure you consider?

  • While it’s good that people are feeling more empowered to change jobs, be sure to thoughtfully think over the whole picture — culture, leadership, workload, etc., Don’t just focus on location or compensation. Money is a key factor, but it’s never the only one.
  • When you can’t meet in person, you’re not getting the full picture. If you’re interviewing remotely, tread carefully. Be sure you’re asking the right questions of the prospective employer during the interview process so you can get a better picture of the workplace environment.
  • It’s important to be honest with yourself. Make sure you’re asking yourself the right questions. Do the corporate values align with your own? Will this help advance your career? What is the management style? Are you just jumping at something new or is this really the right move for you?

As the economy continues to expand post-pandemic, demand for talent is only growing. Bidding wars are common and incentives are being utilized in numerous industries. It’s harder than ever to find skilled people.

Smart organizations go back in their rolodex and look to solve staffing challenges with the faces they already know. It starts with open communication. If an employee left on good terms, drop a line to see how things are going at their new job. That will give you an insight into if they’re open to a possible return.

You never know. Circumstances have a way of changing. That employee you always valued may boomerang back.

Catapult’s expertise can advise organizations to make better hiring decisions. That means:

  • Helping an organization create an ideal candidate profile based on clear understanding of structural opportunities and challenges.
  • Ensuring the right questions are asked during the interview process (no, not every question is the right one).
  • Speaking with key constituents who have close interaction with the organization and industry to gather additional insights on the environment, challenges and type of leadership needed to lead in this role.
  • Assessments that help the employer get a better understanding of the potential new hire and whether they will be the right fit for their business culture, as Catapult has covered previously.

Catapult Executive Consulting works with organizations of all sizes. Our experienced team will work hand in hand with you to solve complex hiring challenges. Contact us today at….

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