Be In The Know

Want to keep top talent knocking at your door? Communicate!

We’ve all been there….. Apply for a job. Get interviewed. Told we will hear back…


Retained Search Explained

For the past few months, I have been working with a local company who is…


Holding Hands, Silos and Trust

I grew up with two brothers. One was much older so there was no sibling…


Eliza Hamilton: The Extraordinary Woman Leader Behind Hamilton

Hamilton, the musical created by Lin-Manual Miranda, is a hit in our house. Although we…


What You See is What You Get

The future of work has been a hot topic lately in news publications, podcasts, and…


So You’ve Written your Career Manifesto….. What’s Next?

I am a millennial. I want to be heard. I want meaningful work. I want…


An open letter to WNY Executives: Your employees are talking to you, and you need to listen

Dear WNY Executives, In the past month, five (5) high performing professionals from leading WNY…


Instructor-Led Training (ILT). Dead or Alive?

Looking back over the past 15 to 20 years, training has evolved dramatically. There has…


Mapping Out a Career You’ll Love: How and Why You Should Write Your Career Manifesto

Whether you’re searching for your first job, looking to make a career transition, or just…


Is Your Organization Strategy-Capable?

Planning for the future and providing a clear plan for how your team will compete…
