Leadership Assessment Services For Development

By Paige Nero
Senior Director of Talent
In Catapult’s previous blog, “The Science of Finding the Right Leader” we highlighted why incorporating assessments into your hiring process can support a successful leadership transition. We also clarified that these assessments allow us to provide our clients with in-depth knowledge of candidates, including their:
- Work style
- Behavioral preferences
- Potential performance risks
- Core values and motivators
- Critical reasoning ability
- Emotional intelligence
Gaining these insights is not only valuable for selection, but crucial in the continued growth and development of leaders inside an organization. As the “Your Best, Better” blog explained, one of the most important components that dictates the future success of an organization is how high-performing and high-potential employees are being developed. Incorporating data-driven insights like Hogan and EQi 2.0 is what allows our team to ensure our clients have the foundational information necessary to develop a talent strategy to support their goals and objectives.
Assessments can be incorporated into full-scale development programs or for team/individual needs. Or even just as a perk to high performers to motivate and support them on their personal development path. So when considering next steps for outlining individual, team or organization-wide development programming, we recommend incorporating assessments into your plan.
Do you know why leadership assessments matter? If you’re a senior leader, it’s critical that you do. Fortunately, the Catapult team likes to share the secrets we’ve learned. Learn more about the value of these assessments now at www.catapultecstg.wpenginepowered.com.
Catapult’s expertise lies in that of strategic planning, organizational development and executive search. We have the capability to fully customize leadership development and executive coaching programs for organizations large and small. We realize the need for this level of robust, integrated support may not be necessary or feasible for a variety of reasons:
- There are only certain teams or individuals who need customized development support at this time.
- Your current HR/OD team has the capability/expertise to design and manage a full-scale program on their own.
- It does not fit the budget.
If your team already has the expertise and capacity or if you are looking for more cost-effective methods to support your current organizational development needs, supplemental assessment service offerings might be the solution.
Consider the following:
Creating Self-Awareness For managers and senior leaders, incorporating the Hogan Suite and EQi 2.0 provides an opportunity to meet the leader where they are at. Gain in-depth insights into the participant’s strengths, development opportunities, motives, values, critical reasoning ability and emotional intelligence. Give the participant the opportunity to digest and reflect on this information. Then incorporate this into your internal development practices.
Assessments: Hogan Suite & EQi 2.0
Individual Development Plan Navigation Support Go beyond creating self-awareness and incorporate guided support for you and your manager/senior leader to align goals and objectives and begin to outline a one-year development plan. Take the information gathered and complete an IDP internally. Add on an MBTI for further insights into the leader’s communication, decision making and problem-solving style.
Assessments: Hogan Suite, EQi 2.0, & MBTI
Individual Development Plan (IDP) Creation Support Take it one step further and go through a completely guided IDP process with your manager/executive. This will give them the opportunity to utilize what they’ve learned from their assessment results and challenge them to reflect on and answer the following questions:
- Professional Goals/Motivations – What are my professional growth and career aspirations? How do I think these goals can be met at my existing organization?
- Talents or Strengths to Lean Into – What are my talents and strengths?
- Development Opportunities – What are my most important areas for development?
- Focused Goals & Action Steps – What development goals do I have in the next 12 months? What specific actions can I take to achieve these goals?
Once these questions are answered and they have completed the IDP creation process, they will have a concrete plan to guide them through their development over the next one to three years.
Assessments: Hogan Suite, EQi 2.0, MBTI
360° Leadership Development Process For even more targeted individual development support for senior leaders and high-potential leaders, the 360° Leadership Development Process gives you the opportunity to incorporate the previously-mentioned assessment support and insights, along with a 360° assessment that provides an opportunity to gather feedback from supervisors, peers, direct reports and other constituents. This additional information will allow the executive to reflect on current team/organizational dynamics and incorporate that feedback into their overall development plan in order to more effectively navigate their goals, objectives and future aspirations as they build out an Executive Development Plan (EDP).
Assessments: Hogan Suite, EQi 2.0, MBTI & 360° assessment (LVI, Sigma Radius etc.)
Team Development Session Through the use of team assessments, organizations have the ability to aid their teams in becoming more cohesive and effective. These assessments will aid in identifying the baseline level of functionality within the team, along with fostering collaboration and communication amongst team members. Additionally, team members will have the ability to explore how to best navigate challenges with strong problem-solving abilities and arrive at better decisions that leverage the collective input of the entire team.
Assessments: MBTI & Lencioni Team assessment
Whether you take on these leadership development initiatives on your own or incorporate outside support, we know that understanding critical components of an individual’s personality, leadership style and areas of development can establish a strong foundation for ensuring organizational effectiveness and building high-performing teams.*
At Catapult, our leadership assessment services are customizable and vary based upon the needs of our business partners. We recommend starting with a formal discussion with a Catapult associate to better understand the specific needs of your team and its leaders. From there, we would develop an approach and ensure it meets your objectives.
For a free consultation to discuss how our assessment services could support your organizational development needs, call us at (716) 256-1550 or visit www.catapultecstg.wpenginepowered.com.
Stay tuned for Catapult’s Assessment Services offerings tab on our website for more information on how we can support your development needs.
*These assessments can only be distributed and interpreted by a certified professional. Catapult employs five certified consultants to support client needs.
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